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Forest food

Restaurant outside the city

Enjoy gourmet food and drinks with friends, family, or business partners. Admire the views of nature and the beauty of architecture. Catch moments of peace and serenity. Today, all this is possible at Forest food Restaurant, a luxurious establishment on the territory of a suburban complex, which was designed by the Lab181 team.


Functionality and flexibility

We managed to convey the intimate atmosphere of a cozy country club in a place designed for a massive reception of visitors. The result of the work has become a modern institution that changes its purpose depending on the focus of the events. Whether corporate banquets, coffee breaks, family celebrations, or just a meeting with friends in nature - the Forest food restaurant space is organized in such a way as to ensure fast simultaneous service of a large number of visitors.

Merging with the landscape

The architecture of Forest food restaurant is a continuation of the architectural solution of the F Point complex, the main idea of ​​which is to merge with the natural landscape. Wood trim; concrete terraces with mini waterfalls and bonsai pines - details that emphasize the unity with nature.


Taste of life

From the main building of the complex, a cascade of terraces leads to the semantic center of the restaurant - a large summer area hanging over the surface of a picturesque lake. Massive wooden beams, light furniture, and bright bulbs of wall lighting create an atmosphere of carefree idleness, help visitors to escape from a busy business day, and continue communication in a relaxed atmosphere.

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